A Magic Carpet Ride
Zac Quotes


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Quotes from Zac

"We would make up simple tunes to guitar and sing around the table."

"We'd never consider making music separately because we've been together all our lives."

"Seeing me, reading about me, and knowing me are three different things."

"I think female species in general is pretty hard to figure out. Guys are like 'Give me some food' and have like, one active brain cell. But girls have these things called FEELINGS. Guys just have bowel movements."

"You don't stop laughing because you grow old; you grow old because you stop laughing."

"Instead of doing our chores, we usually spent the time writing a new song. They'd say, 'This better be good,' and give us a chance to sing it. Then-of course- we'd still have to do the dishes!"

"Yeah, I'm weird. I put the milk in before the cereal."

"Put it this way, if people really knew me they'd have other ideas. There's a difference between meeting me, reading about me, and knowing me."

"If you run, they'll chase you. If you don't run, you're dead."

"Sometimes I plug my Nintendo into the hotel room before I've unpacked anything else. It's like I can't live without beating Taylor at NBA Jams."

"Alrighty, I'm taking this to the Jerry Springer show!"

"Hair is only a big thing if you have big hair."

"Oh, we don't dance in the show. We play instruments. That's a misconception. We can't dance for sqat!"

"When we get home, our friends will just say, 'Wow, it's cool you were on TV. Are you coming out?'"

"I believe that laughter is the best medicine. A good laugh gets your adrenaline pumping and you feel so much better, even if you're in a serious situation."

"I would cry if a cute girl was with me and I wanted to look like I was sensitive!"

"There's lots of different kinds of love."

"I don't tend to get girls as fans. I just get all the young guys and weirdos."

"I've got one (a song) about a frog, one about an alligator, and one about a mushroom, called Mushroom In The Garden."

"One guy asked me if I'd been abducted (by aliens). Yeah, right!"

"I think it's actually that I'm so shy that I just act wacky to make up."

"When I saw the video on MTV, I didn't recognize myself! I really thought I was some girl."

"We met the Spice Girls and we really liked them. Geri's quite small without her platform shoes on. I'll probably out-grow her in a few months time!"

"They're like my best friends, only bester!"

"People tell me to have sex whenever I feel like it, but right now I have no desire to pull my pants down in front of a girl"

"First of all, if it's a rumor, then you don't even have to ask us if it's true!"

"Hey, if we moved to Alaska it would be light all day for half the year and we'd never have to go to bed!"

"You're just jealous because some girl was flirting with me more after a concert, because I am so fine."

"I can get angry! I don't think I could do a punk song though. But I still know how to sound angry!"

"There's lots of different kinds of love."

"I'm still looking for a girlfriend. I just don't think I've met the right one yet. Maybe someday."

"Girls are so cute!"

"I imagine that being in love with a girl is something special. After all, is everyone is singing and talking about it, it must be cool. I haven't experienced the butterflies in the stomach yet, but I think I've still got enough time for that. I'll know it when the time comes."

"If anyone wants to be my girlfriend, come here!"

Interviewer: Have you changed since your last album?
Zac: No these are the clothes I was wearing when I finished. :)

"You all need to take one step back. You learned it when you were two. It's called walking."

"I'd give a girl tapes of the Weather Channel!"

"I'm not as think as you drunk I am."

"If I had a girlfriend, I'd get a LOT of 'unwanted attention' if you catch my drift."

"I want to be wearing knee pads when I meet the girl of my dreams, so when I drop my knees to propose, I don't hurt myself."

"I enjoy my hair as it is."

"As far as I'm concerned, I'm 18 and Ike is 2."

"When I turn 16, I can flip hambugers for five bucks an hour, or I can perform for thousands of people and make lots of money. What am I missing?"

"Of course guys are different from girls. Girls have boobs!"

Interviewer: What do you want to be doing when your 35?
Zac: I want to be sittin' on the pot!

"If Tay were a chicken, I'd eat him."

"You don't have to be 84 to write good lyrics. You don't have to be 32 to experience things."

"I think it might be cool to go out with a mature 13 year old. Plus it might make Tay jealous."

"Make your life like toilet paper. Long and useful."

"I think that Jeb Brian was a great director, but he could bring his daughters here more often."

"When you start looking like a racoon, you go, 'you know.. we need a break!'"

"I'd like to clear this up. Yes I was roasting twinkies"{if only video}

"I'm the king of Sony Playstation"

"I'm not that great of a drummer, but people say I can play, so I take their word for it."

"When I'm nervious I chew big wads of bubble gum"