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Why HANSON is my fav band
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Hanson has some confusing lyrics. You think they're saying one thing, but they're actually saying something else. Well, this is to help you figure out what they're saying. The actual lyric is first, then what it sounds like.

Descend a step for you, oh you set my heart free. Descend a step for you, oh how you set my heart free - The sun will rise for you, oh it won't rise for me. The sun will rise for you, oh how you set my heart free (Baby You're So Fine) (Sorry, I forgot who sent this in to me)

More than sad, it made me mad, to know somebody knows, there's a lying in your silence - Mama said, it made her mad, to know somebody knows, there's a lion in your silence (Yearbook)

You think I'm so blind - You think I'm sublime (Look At You)

We're tracing our footsteps, we're going the same way - We're chasing our footstep, you're going the sane way (Madeline)

Come on sax boy! - Come on sex boy! (Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree)

You judge a soul by a lie that was told - You judge a song by a line that was told (You Never Know)

In my arms and then - In my arms and bed (If Only)

If only I had the guts to feel this way - If Only I had the sluts to feel away (If Only)

It's getting colder in this ditch where I lie - It's getting older in this stage where I die (This Time Around)

Put on these chains and you can live a free life - Put on those chains now and you can have a free wife (This Time Around)

All I know is that fear has got to go, this time around - Well I'm lost, and I fear I've got to go, this time around (This Time Around)

Then I'm wrong, yes I'm wrong - Honey, I'm wrong, yes I'm wrong (Save Me)

Morning day or night - I'm horny day or night (Can't Stop)

And your mind I've read - And you're my dog Fred (Can't Stop)

Another day gone without you - Another day gone with the dew (Wish That I Was There)

Claiming those innocent leaves - Flamingoes, with some leaves (Love Song)

I was hers forever and she was mine too - I was hers forever and she was my mountain dew (Love Song)

All you're missing is the heart they stole - All you're mixing is the heart they stole (Sure About It)

Do you love me, little pretty? - Do you love me, am I pretty? (In The City)

Don't cry the fight ain't over - Don't cry fight it over (A Song To Sing)

You're so far gone that you live to lose - That little wild dog that you left to lose (A Song To Sing)

Got any more? E-mail me ophelisah@yahoo.com Taynkies!