A Magic Carpet Ride
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Did you notice...

1. Hanson must really want us to tell them something. They say "Can you tell me" in three different songs! "MMMBop", "Where's The Love", and "In The City"
2. Hanson must also like "Na na na..." They have a song on like every cd that has a "Na na na" part in it.
3. You know where Zac is screaming in the background on "Look At You"? Well, between 4:10 and 4:13, you can hear him scream "Sex! Drugs!" (he doesn't say "And rock and roll! though...hmm...)

Tulsa, Tokyo, and the Middle of Nowhere
When they are talking about the press conference turning into a way too big concert on the bus, Jessica and Avery are giggling and talking about something behind Isaac.

When Ike is talking about the "Where's the Love" video being edited, there is a Mr. Potato Head behind him.

When Hanson is getting ready to perform in Toronto, Canada, the camera shows Taylor and their dad says, "Have fun," and Taylor smiles and says, "We will." Then Zac kind of nods his head.

When Hanson is leaving the Paramus Mall and Ike, Tay, or Zac (I don't know which one) is locking the van doors, either Jessica or Avery says, "Where's dad?"

When Zac is saying how long a redwood lives, you can see Diana, Walker, and Mackie behind him.

When Hanson is singing at the Sydney Opera House, if you put it in slow motion, near the end of the song, you can see Walker with a video camera and Diana right behind him.

When Hanson is talking about meeting Cindy Crawford and Zac is talking, if you put it in slow motion, you can see a man's arm behind Zac. (The rest of the guy is cut off by the screen.)

When Taylor is in the studio and he's talking about the incident in Indonesia, you can see a man sitting in a chair behind Tay.

On the MMMBop video, Zac has "HI" written on his hand when they sing "plant a seed, plant a flower, plant a rose.

At the beginning of Wheres the Love, you can see Taylor's boxers!

Watch Ike's solo in the "Where's the Love" video. (Tulsa, Tokyo and the Middle of Nowhere version.) If you put it in slow motion, there are two one-frame clips of Hanson running and Taylor has a red or orange shirt on. Look closely because they go by quickly. The first on is right before Taylor says, "Yeah" and the second is right before the picture blinks or whatever you call that.

(Taynx Zoe! For the unnumbered ones!)

Got anything? E-mail them to me! ophelisah@yahoo.com. In the subject line, put "Did you notice..."