A Magic Carpet Ride
Ike Quotes


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Ike Quotes

"When we were younger, we sang at the dinner table. One day our dad taught us two-part harmony on 'Amen.' Which soon led to three-part harmony when Zac was old enough to join in."

"There were people three feet away from us and all around us. They were everywhere and we could see all of them singing."

"Music is a part of us. It's what we've always done and intend to be doing for a long time. If we weren't doing music, then we wouldn't be who we are. Music is our life. It's what we love."

"Love is a lot like a guitar. The music may stop now and then, but the strings remain forever."

"It's so cool to get to talk to fans, to find out where they're from and why they bought the records."

"And the minute they opened the door we heard these screams and people chanting' 'Hanson! Hanson! Hanson!' When we heard it, we all stopped and looked around at each other in disbelief because we could tell the mass of people out there was incredible."

"We're not a novelty act, and we don't plan to be."

"We're not a young band, we're just a band who happens to be young."

"We've met a lot of really good friends who were fans to begin with and you can tell when fans are so obsessed with you that they wouldn't be able to concentrate on getting to know you. It's not hard to figure that out."

"Our grades are always good. By traveling all over the world we learn a hell of a lot more than people stuck at home with their heads in a book."

"Whether we sell one record or a million, our parents and our brothers and sisters are always going to be there for us. And we're going to be there for each other. We're always going to be doing music, no matter what."

"We've flown the Concord many times. And this lady comes up to me and goes, 'Excuse me Sir, Would you like some caviar?' I'm going, 'First of all, I don't like caviar. Second of all, it's eight o'clock in the freakin' morning, for the love of God!'"

"We love what we're doing and we want to keep doing that in our lives."

"Our faith is important to us. It keeps your head screwed on straight, just like having a good relationship with each other and our family."

"I'd never be able to smash a guitar."

"They (Taylor and Zac) help me with girls, because I'm the one that needs it."

"Everybody feels up sometimes...everybody feels down sometimes. Sometimes they feel sideways, and sometimes they just feel weird."

"We were just kids who wanted to sing...warts and high-pitched voices and all. We were pretty bad sometimes but at least we had heart!"

"We're not into spending a lot of money on each other. The most expensive thing I ever bought was my own paintball gun."

"If I were describing it in a nutshell it would be kinda hard, considering I can't get in a nutshell because I'm a little too big. But, if it were a large nutshell I would attempt it and then I would probably...okay...whatever."

"If I limited myself I would just prove myself wrong."

"I'd have to say a happy medium between The Simpsons and, unfortunately, The Waltons. We're probably not as weird as The Addams Family."

"Pamela Anderson is cute, but I like Jennifer Aniston, she looks like she'd be good fun."

"We want to be a Boyz II Men/Ace Of Base type group where we can sing harmony and dance." (From 1993)

"It can go just as fast as it can come."

"Judge us by our music, not our age."

"We're basically best friends."

"I can clown around with the best of 'em. I am the best at getting revenge on Zac. I get my revenge down the road, not immediately. If he pulls a funny stunt one day in hotel room, I pull one a month later at home that does more irreperable damage. That clown is gonna find himself sleeping in a bed with a giant hole in the middle of it very soon. But don't tell him I did it, please."

(Talking about Jonny Lang's song 'Breakin' Me.) "I am like so obsessed with this song okay?"

"I think these things (rumors) spread on the internet. The internet is basically a giant gossip session."

"I don't have a certain type of girl... it's not a good idea. If you have a type then you limit yourself and you might be closing your mind to a wonderful girl who could surprise you."

"We've met a lot of really good friends who were fans to begin with and you can tell when fans are so obsessed with you that they wouldn't be able to concentrate on getting to know you. It's not hard to figure that out."

"Brunettes are like, really cool."

"Okay, sorry I'm retarded."

"We don't have girlfriends. Never have and never..."

"Sometimes I'll hear Tay singing in the shower. I wonder about that."

"Even if we did have girlfriends we wouldn't tell you."

"I must admit that that I'm an absolute hopeless romantic. I don't think there's anything better than a fantastic poem or just a romantic atmosphere. I think music is super romantic too."

"One time I was sitting at a cafe in London, and this chick comes up to me and smiles, and asks me if I'm using my mustard and then I gave it to her and she walked off. I was like, 'Wait a sec, I'm still alive. Someone pinch me!' But then as usual, she came back and asked for an autograph. I thought it was pretty cool."

"If I could vacation anywhere, hmmm.. I'd pick my grandma's house!"

"Well I wouldn't want to get in a fight with Tay. First of all, he's almost as tall as me. And second off, he's always been tougher than me. I don't know, he might hurt me!"

"Tay and Zac hug a lot... I just give them their space."

"Can't you see my bulging pectorals, they're so.. shrimpy!"

"We all have our own individual things we do best. We all have our say when it comes to our songwriting. We are each better at one aspect than another. My strength is lyrics, but Taylor's is the melody. Zac comes up with the more rockin' songs. He writes the songs with the heavy thump-thump-thump of the drums."

"And the beauty of music is you can express all those different feelings, in all thedifferent songs you write. And hopefully people can identify with those!"

"Welcome to the land of Hanson. We poop just like everybody else!"

"I'm Puff Broccoli rappin yeah"

"I'm a big skinny geek"